YWCA Cass Clay is here for you.
If you are being abused, are experiencing homelessness, or are in crisis, you are not alone. YWCA is here to support you and give you the resources you need to reach your goals and build a brighter future.
YWCA team members are available to assist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may need to leave a message if team members are assisting others and your call will be returned.
To get help (including emergency shelter):
Call (701) 232-3449 or complete the YWCA Help Form.
YWCA Help Form
All of our services are free, confidential, and based on availability. YWCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, pregnancy, gender identity, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, parental status, military service, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.
Identify Abuse ↘
The following patterns of behavior are red flags that indicate you (or someone you love) may be in an abusive relationship.
Red Flags
Signs of an unhealthy relationship
Does your partner…
Get jealous easily or accuse you of having an affair?
Have a family history of abuse?
Throw objects at you or destroy your property?
Make you account for every moment you are away?
Restrain you?
Ridicule you?
Threaten to hurt you, your children, or your pets?
Manipulate you with lies or promises?
Threaten to or force you to have sex?
Make you feel you don’t have the right to say “no” or disagree?
Isolate you from family, friends, work?
Make all the decisions in the home for you?
Have previous contact with the justice system?
Control all of the money?
Have weapons?
Green Flags
Signs of a healthy relationship
Does your partner…
View you as an equal?
Respect you and treat you fairly?
Make you feel safe (emotionally and physically)?
Discuss disagreements peacefully?
Allow the relationship to go at your pace?
Act as a positive role model for your children?
Value your opinions?
Communicate openly and honestly?
Support your goals in life?
Make family and money decisions together with you?
Have a positive image of family?
Make your friends and family feel comfortable?

Find answers to your questions
Emergency Shelter
Occupancy at YWCA Emergency Shelter varies daily. Please call (701) 232-3449 or fill out the YWCA Help Form at the top of this page to see about open beds.
If it’s not safe to call, please email us via the online form at the top of this page and we will respond within two hours.
YWCA Cass Clay serves women and children in our emergency shelter with priority given to those fleeing violence.
YWCA Emergency Shelter is a 45-day shelter. Extensions may be provided.
Service animals are allowed at YWCA Emergency Shelter as well as emergency support animals with a doctor’s note. All pets must be up-to-date on vaccines. MinnKota Paws is a community resource that can help - more at minnkotapaaws.org.
We have a two-bag policy for checking in at YWCA Emergency Shelter.
Families will be given private rooms. Individuals will be assigned to either a private or shared room based on current availability.
For those living at YWCA Emergency Shelter, an evening meal is provided each night as well as access to food to cook independently. We have clothing available for residents in many sizes as well as gift cards available to shop at our partner, Savers Thrift Store.
We have on-site childcare available for YWCA Shelter and Housing residents only. YWCA Children’s Services is open from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at no cost to families on a scholarship basis.
Watch this short video from DomesticShelters.org that explains the nuances of helping people experiencing abuse, including understanding the situation a victim faces, how to respond, what to say, who to involve and how to be better prepared to help.
If your friend or loved one is ready to leave, encourage them to contact our Emergency Shelter at (701) 232-3449. You could sit with them while the call is made to show your support.
Supportive Housing
If you are interested in living at Grace Garden in West Fargo, please call MetroPlains at (701) 232-1887 and ask to be placed on the waitlist.
If you are interested in living at Lantern Light in Fargo, please contact Fargo Housing at (701) 293-6262 or visit fargohousing.org.
YWCA is not able to accept applications directly and qualifications for housing vary by program.
If you are experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk, call 2-1-1 to be connected to appropriate resources for the crisis you are experiencing (including shelter, housing, and other resources).
Waitlists for all YWCA housing programs are maintained by partner agencies in the community. The wait time for a housing unit to become available depends on a number of factors, and may be months to years.
Each YWCA housing program has different qualifying criteria to comply with funding sources, but at a minimum, individuals and families must be experiencing homelessness and/or fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence.
Additional qualifications, such as income, criminal background, rental history, and length of time homeless vary by program and are assessed during the application process once an applicant has been selected.
The length of time an individual or family may reside in YWCA housing depends on the program and ranges from six months to permanently based on need.
If you are interested in living at Grace Garden in West Fargo, please call MetroPlains at (701) 232-1887 and ask to be placed on the waitlist.
All other YWCA housing programs participate in the North Dakota CARES system and applicants are identified from a statewide prioritization list. YWCA is not able to accept applications directly to these programs.
If you are interested in living at Lantern Light in Fargo, please contact Fargo Housing at (701) 293-6262 or visit fargohousing.org.
All other YWCA housing programs participate in the North Dakota CARES system and applicants are identified from a statewide prioritization list. YWCA is not able to accept applications directly to these programs.
FM Coalition to End Homelessness “Resource Guide”
Power and Control Wheel
Many survivors of domestic abuse and violence will say that the first time they saw the Power and Control Wheel, what they were going through suddenly made sense.
This visual aid, used by advocates, psychologists, educators, healthcare workers and similar, outlines the common tactics used by abusers.
The power and control wheel was developed by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project in Duluth, Minnesota.