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2022 Stand Against Racism Challenge

Previously known as the 21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge, the Stand Against Racism Challenge: A Virtual Community of Growth is the same program developed by the YWCA. Activities in the challenge include reading an article, listening to a podcast, reflecting on personal experience, and more. 

This challenge is an exciting opportunity to learn alongside others dedicated to racial equity and social justice. It is designed to push you out of your comfort zone, think critically, and move our community forward.

In addition to weekly resources (articles, podcasts, videos, and more), discussion questions and action steps will help you continue the conversation with others in your workplace, community organization, family, or friend group.

Each weekday April 4 – May 2, 2022, YWCA Cass Clay sent emails exploring the topics of Homelessness and Housing, Gender-Based Violence, Film and Television, and Education. For those who missed the challenge or want to revisit and/or share, each week’s topic and resources are available below.

As you engage in the various activities, be sure to tag, comment, and follow @ywcacassclay across all social platforms. Thank you for accepting this challenge!

Week 1
Homelessness + Race

Week 2
Gender-Based Violence

Week 3
Film & Television

Week 4