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Day 13: Anti-Racism

Thank you for taking this challenge! If this is your first day of joining us for the 14-Day Equity Challenge, welcome. If you are returning after previous engagement with the challenge, nice work! We are glad you are here.

This challenge is designed to push you out of your comfort zone, think critically about difficult topics, and grow in your understanding of the ways people and systems perpetuate (and have the power to eliminate) racism. We’re excited to invite you to this opportunity to dive deeper into racial equity and social justice.

View other challenges: Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14

Day 13: Anti-Racism

What does it mean to be an anti-racist? It might be easier to start with what it doesn’t mean. An anti-racist does not stand by as racist acts happen around them. They do not deny the influence of race in their own biases, prejudices, and world views. Anti-racists don’t wait for others to lead or expect people of color to do the bulk of the work. They are not passive, exclusive, or praise-seeking in their work.

Anti-racism is the active practice of combatting racism in all its forms and promoting racial justice and equity. An anti-racist recognizes the systems, policies, institutions, attitudes, and ideas that perpetuate racism in our society. They realize that racism is much more than outward bigotry toward a group of people, but a system of structures that oppress people of color. Anti-racists see the impact and manifestation of internalized racism in others, as well as in themselves, and work to oppose this.

Anti-racism is much more than a passing movement or a 10-step process; it’s a journey of learning and growth that is life-long. As stated by author and activist Ijeoma Oluo, “The beauty of anti-racism is that you don’t have to pretend to be free of racism to be an anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it’s the only way forward.”

Today’s challenge will provide you with strategies and tips for being much more than “not racist.”

If you have…

Watch this video
explaining the difference between being “not racist” and “anti-racist”

Read this article
on where to start your path to anti-racism

Explore this interactive article
 which introduces anti-racist ideas for pursuing racial justice


Once you have completed today’s challenge, we encourage you to take a moment to reflect.

  • How did the challenge make you feel?
  • What is something you learned?
  • Did you notice anything about yourself after taking the challenge?
  • Consider sharing this new awareness with a friend or group to help deepen your understanding of the information.

Share your thoughts on the challenge online using #YWCAEquityChallenge